Macros/Memes fall closely in line with shitposting and will no longer be allowed as topic thread posts. Leniency will be given for older recycled posts, but content that is duplicated and still appears on the front page *will be removed. The search bar is there for a reason! Be mindful and check the front page of the sub before posting (It's possible someone has already posted it.) Do not post or link to Rule 34 or otherwise 'mature' explicit content. (For example: If you have a lot of fan art that you would like to share, post them in an album that can be linked to avoid a lot of clutter on the front page.) Complaining about the state of the fandom etc.ĭo not spam the subreddit with multiple links.
Debating opinions is allowed, being a jackass is not.ĭo not post links to pirated content, nor give instructions on how to find pirated content.Īny submitted post that does not add content and is basically a worthless thread. No picking fights, no personal attacks, no slurs, insults, or abusing other readers in any way. For posts, simply include the word SPOILERS and reddit will handle the rest. Make sure to tag spoiler posts or comments appropriately. Post anything Pacific Rim, from toys to movies, screenshots to trailers, anything and everything Pacific Rim belongs here. Join The Fight on our very own discord server! Discord ServerĪ place for anything related to Pacific Rim.