CAD mock up programs for wood working

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Your cus­to­mers don’t have to wait un­til you’ve fi­nis­hed be­fo­re see­ing what you have in mind: you can show them your de­sign while pre­pa­ring your quo­te wi­th a di­gi­tal pre­sen­ta­ti­on fea­turing ren­de­rings, vi­de­os and vir­tu­al tours. Con­trol me­cha­nisms, au­to­ma­ted pro­ces­ses and user-fri­end­ly in­ter­faces make your work fas­ter, mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent, and ul­ti­m­ate­ly mo­re eco­no­mic­al – a key be­ne­fit when it co­mes to kee­ping ma­nu­fac­tu­ring cos­ts and er­ror ra­tes down. Palette CAD is the fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware that makes CAD ea­sy for car­pen­ters and joi­n­ers, from de­sign and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on th­rough to ma­nu­fac­tu­ring on your CNC ma­chi­nes.

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The fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware: by wood­wor­king pro­fes­sio­nals, for wood­wor­king pro­fes­sio­nals

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